Ecotourism in Australia - an overview of nine different unique experiences with nature and wildlife documented. Conservation and tourism go hand in hand. Undara, Lawn Hill Gorge, Bellenden Kerr, W...
Le proposte di Italia Che Cambia.
Le interviste di #EcoFuturo, il Festival delle EcoTecnologie e dell’Autocostruzione!
Non è soltanto una fiera di innovazioni ecotecnologiche, EcoFuturo nasce dall’inc...
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Comment bien ranger sa salle de bain ? Pour obtenir plus amples informations sur le sujet, ne manquez pas de visionner cette...
When the Housekeeper at the The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, walks into a room, she treats it not like a housekeeper, but like a host. Her extraordinary attention to detail comes from her ability to see ...
Assigning rooms to the housekeeping staff is often one of the most tedious daily management tasks, but with CloudPM it doesn't have to be. Learn how to make your housekeeping sheets a breeze with this...
Guest Engagement During Make Up Room - Part 1
In this video we will learn the basic convertation with guest during room cleaning. In this scenario the service associate having a situation where the g...
« Quand on rentre dans la chambre, on est 2 femmes de chambre. » nous dit Régina, les valets de chambre étant l'exception dans la profession.- les offres d'emploi :
I riconoscimenti sono stati assegnati in collaborazione con Federparchi ad alberghi, hotel, stabilimenti balneari, agriturismi, parchi e aree protette che si sono messi in luce grazie alle pratiche in...