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How To Change File Permission Using Ruby You will learn how to change read and write permissions for a file Leave a comment if you have any questions and don't forget to like my videos & subscrib...

English - 3 min - Intermediate - 476 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Cybersecurity, IT & SOFTWARE


⇩LEGGIMI⇩ Lascia un LIKE

Italiano - 5 min - Beginner - 418 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Green Maintenance

tutorial Geschlossene Schwimmbäder und marode Schulen - die Folgen leerer öffentlicher Kassen in NRW sind dramatisch. Eine Vermögensteuer würde dies ändern und dem Land jährlich...

English - 3 min - 462 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024


This video was originally published on Feb 12, 2009 & was never added to YouTube...until today! Original post on our site with additional information, plans, questions & comments: http://www...

- 22 min - 567 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024



- 23 min - 520 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024


Business Management and Administration Job Description

- 3 min - 568 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Business Administration, BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATION


Cybersecurity experts warn that detected or not, enterprise networks have been breached. Learn the 7 types of insider threats lurking within. More at Interset.AI Cybersecurity experts warn businesses...

English - 1 min - Intermediate - 468 - 0 0 - 3.7 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Cybersecurity, System Security, IT & SOFTWARE

- 5 min - 530 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Hotel Housekeeping, TOURISM & HOSPITALITY


You can order the Acrylic Tempaltes here: Interested in more video leathercraft instruction? Visit http://www.leathercraftlibrary.c...

English - 2 min - 913 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024


Roma, (askanews) - Ragionare assieme alle imprese, alle associazioni e agli amministratori locali sulle dinamiche legate all'economia circolare, che possono trasformarsi in un pilastro di crescita str...

Italiano - 2 min - Beginner - 464 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Green Maintenance


What is air pollution? Learn how greenhouse gasses, smog, and toxic pollutants effect climate change, and human health. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National ...

English - 4 min - 608 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024

tutorial --- ist der Online-Markt für den transparenten Wocheneinkauf direkt vom Produzenten. Wir bieten über 10'000 handverlesene ...

Deutsch - 12 sec - Beginner - 424 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
AGRICULTURE, Organic Farming


i-care Pflegekino. Form der Hilfe: Unterstützung und Anleitung. Dies ist ein Lehr- und Lernvideo zum seitlichen Transfer von immobilen Menschen von Stuhl zu Stuhl. Bevor der Pflegende aktiv wird, is...

Deutsch - 46 sec - 487 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Deutsch, Geriatric Care, HEALTH & FITNESS

tutorial Idea by Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP Concept & Realisation by +Team Concept+Design: Anna Lena Schiller Eli Breuing Project ...

English - 4 min - Beginner - 923 - 0 0 - 4.0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Cybersecurity, IT & SOFTWARE


VISITA IL SITO: Il dispositivo di regolazione di precisione FELCO garantisce per tutta la vita dell’attrezzo una regolazione ottimale ...

Italiano - 3 sec - Beginner - 490 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024
Green Maintenance


A Siamo Noi si affronta il tema dei pesticidi in agricoltura. Quanti e quali sono i rischi per la salute? Se ne parla con Annalisa Saccardo di Coldiretti, Daniela Sciarra di Legambiente e Riccardo Qui...

- 40 min - 444 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 19.04.2024

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