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This video is of a John Deere highboy sprayer that has been converted to a dual purpose propane flame cultivator and can still be used as a sprayer when needed. The field being flamed is an organic fi...

English - 2 min - Beginner - 614 - 0 0 - 3.3 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Agronomical & Technical Issues, Diseases and pest management, Organic Farming,


Meredith puts HR to the test. » Subscribe for More: » Buy The Office Complete Series DVD Now: THE OFFICE ON SOCIAL: Like The Office on Facebook: htt...

- 2 sec - 420 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024


A quick video of me throwing some small footed bowls. We call them olive or nut bowls but I suppose you could use them for anything. Just got a new HD Camera so It'll be interesting to see if the qual...

- 3 min - 529 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024


Non basta piantare aiuole, poi bisogna prendersene cura! Nel recente passato ecologisti improvvisati ci hanno illuso con "guerrilla gardening" e altri spot utili solo ad ottenere consenso elettorale. ...

Italiano - 59 sec - Beginner - 470 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Green Maintenance


Produire bio, c'est avant tout s'inscrire à l'Agence BIO et répondre à un certains nombres de critères. Une agriculture biologique c'est avant tout une agriculture sans OGM, sans pesticides et produit...

Français - 2 min - 1348 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
AGRICULTURE, Organic Farming


E-discovery - Chapter 1 - Introduction to E-discovery and Digital Evidence E-Discovery: An Introduction to Digital Evidence (with DVD) 1st Edition by Amelia Phillips, Ronald Godfrey, Christopher Ste...

English - 27 min - Intermediate - 583 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Cybersecurity, System Security, AGRICULTURE,


in questo video vi mostro come ho realizzato la mia autoclave da giardino, portatile, per l'impianto di irrigazione della serra che farò con la nebulizzazione, e micro-irrigazione a goccia. altri uti...

Italiano - 8 min - Beginner - 441 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Green Maintenance


En esta segunda parte vemos cómo hacer un plan de comunicación de riesgos y lo que podemos hacer para evaluarlos. Conoce más de mi trabajo en: Búscame en LinkedIn y Facebook como: I...

Español - 15 min - Beginner - 491 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Cybersecurity, End User Security, System Security,


Membrana cellulare struttura e sue funzioni, composizione plasma membrana. Fosfolipidi, proteine, carboidrati. ► ARGOMENTO Per vedere l'argomento trattato nel video http://testdimedicina.altervista....

Italiano - 8 min - Beginner - 456 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Green Maintenance


Quali sono i 3 più comuni errori che si fanno durante la semina del prato? Guarda il video e scopri come evitare gli errori più gravi. ********************************* APPROFONDIMENTI SEMINA *******...

Italiano - 7 min - Beginner - 415 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Green Maintenance


This video tour of a Google data center highlights the security and data protections that are in place at our data centers.

English - 7 min - Beginner - 527 - 0 0 - 4.0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Cybersecurity, IT & SOFTWARE

Deutsch - 3 min - Beginner - 622 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
MARKET AND ECONOMICS, EU organic market, Organic Farming,


Paolo De Castro, vicepresidente della Commissione agricoltura dell'Europarlamento, spiega il suo punto di vista sulla Comunicazione della Commissione europea sul futuro della Pac. Filmato a Bruxelles ...

Italiano - 2 min - Beginner - 471 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
AGRICULTURE, EU general regulations, Organic Farming,


Ingleton Pottery A few of the finished glazed pots, as requested ,from some of my videos on Youtube. Ingleton pottery

- 51 sec - 525 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024


SysTools Software is amongst the notable brands representing India with its active and aggressive contribution in the field of Digital Forensics and e-Discovery which reflects their involvement in res...

English - 14 min - Beginner - 481 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Cybersecurity, System Security, AGRICULTURE,


Biogasanlagen: Folgen und Auswirkungen auf Ökologie, Flora und Fauna.

Deutsch - 6 min - 532 - 0 0 - Last Edit: 20.04.2024
Agronomical & Technical Issues, Conversion from conventional to organic farming, Organic Farming,

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